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Tips for Your First Day on the Job
By Brooke Heath
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Here it is at last: your first day at your new job. While you should congratulate yourself on landing this new position, don't get overly confident. Remember that you will be starting back at square one. Regardless of how much experience you have had prior to this position, there are always new procedures and other details to learn in a new work environment.

It is important that on your first day you make the best impression possible. While your boss or bosses may be aware of your credentials from your interview, you now need to put your resume into action, showing them what you are capable of and why they hired you. Also, chances are your supervisor or boss will not be the only person you work with, so it is important to make a positive first impression on your new coworkers.

Here are some things to remember:

Do Your Homework.

Before the big day, do what you can to learn as much as possible about the company. This includes its history and philosophies, its product line, and its corporate culture. This will help you feel at ease in your new environment as well as make a good impression on your new employer.

Dress the Part.

Adhere to the dress code at your new company. Wear something that you will feel confident in.

Arrive on Time.

Nothing creates a worse impression than getting to work late on your first day. Make sure you are there on time, if not a few minutes early.

Meet with Your Boss or Supervisor.

It's not always possible to do this the minute you walk in the door, but within the first day or so, if you haven't already, request to have a meeting with your boss. Ask important questions about whom you will be reporting to, deadlines, weekly meeting times, and dates, and clarify where your area of responsibility lies. This will also help you to determine your boss's expectations of you.

Take Notes.

Taking notes isn't just for college students. You will be learning a lot of new information in the next handful of days, and a good way to learn and retain this information is by taking notes. An added bonus may be that your supervisor will see that you are taking the initiative to learn pertinent information.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask Questions.

Asking questions doesn't make you look incompetent. It is better to ask and know the correct way to do things than it is to assume and do them incorrectly. Also, nobody likes a know-it-all; asking questions when they arise shows that you are humble and willing to learn.

Make an Effort to Get to Know Coworkers.

Try to remember your new coworkers' names, and if you can't remember all of them, at least smile and be friendly. However, avoid company gossip. This will start you off on the wrong foot!

Also, avoid saying, "Well, that's not how we did it at my old job." Nothing will turn new coworkers off more than someone who acts like his or her old job and experience are far superior.

Keep an Open Mind.

Above all else, keep an open mind and a positive attitude. Things may be a little different from how they were at your last company, but don't get discouraged. It may take some time, but you will catch on if you stay optimistic and focused.

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