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Preschool Teacher Resumes
By Sayaka Seino
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Teaching in a preschool is an ever changing occupation. When creating a resume you must not only show but be able to prove you are the best one for the job. The single most important thing to put on your resume is your educational background. It is extremely important in this case to have a flawless resume. Proofreading for typos and grammatical errors is key. You must state qualifications boldly and with confidence. It should show your enthusiasm for the job. Giving a detailed account of your previous job experiences is very important. When your potential employer can see your previous experiences they can see your knowledge and determination in this critical field of work.

Writing the perfect resume to land a preschool teaching job takes work and careful preparation. Preschool positions are becoming increasingly more demanding because they are no longer just supervising a day care but teaching at a school to provide children with the best education before elementary school. Parents want their children to be able to compete in a world that is getting more and more competitive. Therefore, preschools are raising the bar to find qualified preschool teachers. The skills and qualifications in your resume need to be strong and convincing in order to enter this highly competitive field of work.

Remember when applying for a teaching position that, after your objective or statement of qualifications, the first thing you should list is your education experience. Your potential employer needs to see right off the bat that you are educationally qualified in order to consider you for the position.

When listing your work history, keep your resume focused on teaching experiences. Be sure to include the duties and responsibilities you were given during each previous teaching job. Highlight the skills and qualifications that are most relevant to preschool teaching such as team leadership skills and creative expression.

You may also want to include sections for other certifications or volunteer experience if applicable.

As with other resumes, proofread your resume over and over again. You cannot afford to show any sign of weakness by having a typo or a grammatical error. By providing a professional looking resume packed with relevant educational and teaching experience, you are letting your potential employer know they can be confident about hiring you for the demanding job of a preschool teacher.

Below is a sample resume for the position of a preschool teacher:

Jane Anderson
876 Reptile Road
Credence, IA
(cell) 980-5770998

Statement of Qualifications
I will provide a preschool with a highly qualified teacher who is certified in the preschool setting, but who also loves what she does. I will motivate a preschool and the rest of the teachers to provide the highest quality of education possible. I will enhance the way that the preschool is run, providing great team leadership skills as well as creative thinking skills. I will also have a fantastic time and provide parents with a teacher they can depend on, believe in, and support.

  • 1998 Addams High School, Addams IA. General Education Degree
  • 2002 University of South Dakota Elementary Education Degree Emphasis in Early Childhood Education
  • 2004 University of Minnesota Masters of Arts in Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education Teaching Certificate from USD
Masters of Arts Teaching Certificate in MN, IA, and SD
CPR certified

  • 2004-2006 Early Childhood Teacher at Park Academy., Minneapolis MN
    Early childhood teacher while working on masters degree. Worked in the 3 and 4 year old classroom 5 mornings a week. Co taught with another teacher. General classroom duties and outside supervision. Lesson plans, meeting with teachers and parents, and taking part in general school activities.

  • 2006-2007 Lead Preschool Teacher at Little Ones, Cedar Rapids IA
    Lead full time teacher. Preschool Classroom. Lesson plans, meeting with teachers and parents, and full planning duties. Only teacher in the classroom. PTA and other volunteer activities. Also was the cooperating teacher for a student teacher during the spring.

  • 2007-2008 Preschool Teacher, Montesorri School , Des Moines IA
    Lead full time teacher. Also supervisor of two younger teachers in neighboring classrooms. Full teaching duties for preschool class room. Elementary school Preparations classes.
Member of National Association for the Education of Young Children

Make a Wish volunteer for 6 years

Teaching Technology Certified

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