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Tips To Creating Your Own Cover Letter Template
Using a cover letter template when job hunting is a logical and time saving measure. Your time is limited, so writing one basic one and using it as your template will simplify the application process, making you more efficient and hopefully employed all that much faster. A basic template can be either bulleted – sometimes called an Executive Summary – or in paragraph form. The paragraph form of cover letter template is more traditional and preferred by many for the neat ap...

Using a cover letter template when job hunting is a logical and time saving measure. Your time is limited, so writing one basic one and using it as your template will simplify the application process, making you more efficient and hopefully employed all that much faster.

A basic template can be either bulleted – sometimes called an Executive Summary – or in paragraph form. The paragraph form of cover letter template is more traditional and preferred by many for the neat appearance it presents. Since hiring managers are busy however, the bulleted format does have advantages. This cover letter template allows you to make quick changes in the emphasis you are placing on your skills in case there is more than one type of job for which you are applying.

A good bulleted template will begin with the date, address and salutation. Then it should reference the position applied for. Open the template itself with a short paragraph highlighting your primary qualification, such as years of experience, and state that you can make a strong contribution to the company. Then back up what you’ve said with at least two bullet point paragraphs, each listing some of the key qualifications that your resume lists. You’ve heard the old saying “tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them.” This is the place for that.

Your last paragraph should be upbeat and point out that you can make valuable contributions to the organization, list your contact phone number again, and thank the reader for his or her time.

A good template emphasizes the contributions the applicant can make to the prospective employer. Employers don’t really care about what you want, they care about what you can do for them, and your cover letter template and resume should reflect that truth.

An alternative to the bulleted template is the standard paragraph formatted cover letter template. It begins as the bulleted one does, with the date, salutation and standard formal correspondence protocols. It will then have three or four paragraphs in block format that point out your years of experience, education and other qualifications in the first paragraph, followed by the second paragraph where you state your desire to join the organization. The third paragraph should go into more detail concerning experience and qualifications. For instance, stating that your skills are in personnel supervision, or in operations management. List a recent accomplishment in this paragraph to back up your earlier words. In the last paragraph point out the obvious – it never hurts. Let the reader know that your resume is enclosed and you would like to meet with him soon to exchange ideas. State that you will call him in the next few days if you feel it appropriate, otherwise restate your contact phone number and email address and your availability to meet. End it with your signature and the word “enclosure”.

This cover letter template also emphasizes what the applicant can do for the company by citing experience. If you follow either of these listed here you should have good success.

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