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The articles in this section cover topics ranging from common resume blunders to understanding hiring managers' criteria.


400 Articles. Showing 131 to 140
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Resume - A Showcase Of Your Skills

A resume is the first and the most important step in the process of job seeking. A resume consists of a brief account of your qualifications and experience. It basically showcases your skills and experience. The whole idea of a resume is to put you in such a light that the prospective employer finds you perfect for the job. A resume should contain personal details such as name, address, telephone number, email ID and date of birth. Educational details are next. An importan...

Resume Formats using a Word Processing Program

When you are in the hunt for a new job, resume formats are vital to this search. Convenient for you, Microsoft Word can be utilized to spruce up your resume. Even if you are not a pro at resume writing, Microsoft Word can assist you in completing your task at hand.

Resume Pitfalls to Avoid

Essential mistakes and pitfalls to avoid on your resume

Resume Updating Time

Have you updated your resume lately? If not, you could on your hands a copy that is outdated and incorrect. Use the changing of the year as a reason to freshen your copy.

Resume Writing

A resume is a path that sets people on the roads of success in their career. In today’s competitive world, only a few resumes get to the top table for a brief glance. A resume should be written in a manner such that the reader is enticed to peruse it. A well-written resume stimulates interest in meeting the candidate and learning more about him. It inspires the prospective employer to pick up the phone and ask the candidate to come for an interview.

Resume Writing - Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

How to avoid the mistakes which will send your résumé straight to the shredder. Learn how to target your résumé for the job you really want.

Resume Writing - Things to Consider

You are looking for a job and you are out to land the job of a lifetime. It can happen! Before you consider want ads, job websites, or making inquiries of companies you are interested in, you will need a resume.

Sample Resumes

Do you ever wonder why resume services post free resume samples on their sites for resume service clients to view? What do sample resumes provide? There is an ongoing argument among professional resume writers that posting sample resumes on websites is akin to giving away their work. True, some visitors to sites rip off the sample resumes they find there to use in their own job searches. Unfortunately for them, these individuals do not understand they are doing themselves a d...

Sample Resumes Are A Great Way To Begin Composing Your Own

A resume is really a composition that needs to be a masterpiece if you expect to get the jobs that you want. One could compare it to a musical composition in that it will change throughout your life in tone, and content, and also that it is based on the music (or in this case sample resumes) that have influenced and shaped that way you view life and music (or resumes). Most of the learning that we do in this life is by way of imitation. We learn to walk faster if we have o...

Six Tips For A Better Engineering Resume

One of the most key elements of success in a job search is the resume and the engineering resume can often be one of the more difficult documents to develop. The engineering resume is the engineering job seeker’s primary marketing document that sells the product – the skills and experience of the engineer. To be effective, an engineering resume must grab the attention of the reader in 35-45 seconds. A good engineering resume will extend that attention span to over a minute. A...

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Client Testimonials
"Recently, I was laid off from a major corporation. I had no idea how I was going to come back from such a sudden and unexpected event. I came to your company hoping for a cover letter explaining my situation and was pleasantly surprised by your writer's tact. I don't think there could be a better letter phrasing. Thank you so much. I will let you know how things turn out in the next few months. Cross your fingers for me!"
M.C. , Palm Springs, CA
"I've just finished going over the resume and cover letter. They both sound great. I'm very pleased with how it's turned out; you've managed to convey my experience in a very professional tone and yet still sound like me. I've never thought of having a 'voice' in my paperwork, but apparently I do, and you've captured it."
L.B. , Boulder, CO
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