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The articles in this section cover topics ranging from common resume blunders to understanding hiring managers' criteria.


400 Articles. Showing 371 to 380
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Key Components to a Winning Resume
By Hardeep Arora

A resume is a big stepping stone to getting the job that you've always wanted. Because of this, make sure your resume stands out in the pile that is sitting on your interviewer's desk. When creating your resume, try putting yourself in the position of your potential employer. What would look for in an applicant? By doing this exercise, you will find you can create a better resume. Also keep in mind skills, accomplishments, college and post-graduate degrees, and work experience should be in reverse chronological order. Also, when drafting your resume, do it in such a way that your past experiences reflect your future goals. This will impress you potential employer and make it more likely that he will consider you as one of his new employees.

Negotiating a Raise
By Hardeep Arora

''Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one'' - Benjamin Franklin.

Advice for the Degreeless
By Lancelot Larsen

A great American overachiever said once so profoundly, "Stuff happens." And so stuff does. Even if every child doesn't get left behind, there is no national plan to prevent teens from voluntarily or involuntarily abandoning academic endeavors right after high school or in the middle of college. According to the 2004 Census, only 27% of Americans over 25 hold bachelor degrees or higher.

Dressing for Success : Your Second Skin Will Help You Get In
By Lancelot Larsen

Since we are still in the early stages of genetic engineering, we can't do much about the skin we're in. If you wish you had a perpetual tan, a hide less pimply, easier access into a major university, or you just wish you could glow in the dark, there's not much you can do about it these days. But you can do something about your second skin. Dismiss it as a tired cliche if you like, but your second skin is an eternally historical reality whether you like it or not. Every time you buy clothes and throw them on, it becomes a part of who you are. If you wear a baseball cap, jeans, and a T-shirt, people will regard you as the "regular guy." If this is how you want people to interpret you, then you have succeeded. But oftentimes it's not so easy to know how to succeed when it comes to choosing a second skin that is not the real you, but a "you" that you want to convey to others in the professional world.

New Job, New You
By Lancelot Larsen

On your first day at your new job, it is important to try to live up to the image you portrayed at the interview. Treat your first day like an interview. This will include wearing an outfit that makes you stellar and confident. Continue with the aim to make a good first impression around everyone in the office. Eat breakfast, mind your breath, teeth, and hygiene, and arrive early and smile brightly upon arrival. Keep your head up and make eye contact with everyone. Be courteous to all, including the receptionist and mailroom clerk. Remember their names and ask questions when necessary. Be proactive in discovering who's who around the office. Do not wait for your co-workers to get used to you occupying their office space. Immediately start establishing yourself as the asset you are to the company. Always be friendly and willing to get to know your co-workers and what their interests are. Make use of meal breaks to rendezvous with co-workers.

Background Checks
By Lancelot Larsen

How many times have you heard that life is short? How many times have you thought, "Hey, I know life is short, stop reminding me!" The reason you hear all the time that life is short is because it's life's way of telling you that you don't seem to remember it often enough. You know life is short, which is why you change jobs all the time because you want to get the most out of life because life is short. So, you make the rounds and look for some new way to transition your exemplary skills and experience to new challenges. While conducting this tedious process of job-hunting, you may come across some employers who want to perform a background check on you. Most of us feel we rightfully don't have anything to hide and sign the authorization form without hesitation. We pass the form along with a toothy grin and ask, "What me worry?" Why do we do this? Because life is short, and we want to get the ball rolling fast towards that new former career. Yes, life is short. But keep in mind that neglecting to take seriously the background check could work against your job search and prolong the process. Being unemployed makes your life feel very long indeed.

Telling It Like It Is-''I Was Fired''
By Lancelot Larsen

Some people say you get jobs faster if you've already got one. Some people say that if you got fired, forget it, you'll never work a day in this town again. Maybe they're right and maybe they're wrong. Maybe there are aliens looking down on us too. So, what are you going to do? Maybe you screwed up. Maybe it was clash of the titans with you and your supervisor. Experts say that more than 250,000 are fired unlawfully or without proper cause every year. Getting fired is no big deal. Remember that. It happens to everyone. There's even a movie out about it called "Fired" which discusses how getting terminated could be the best thing that could happen to you. Keep in mind, whatever happens, however it happened, it can always be addressed in a positive light, or at least a neutral one. Up to ten years ago, you'd likely have to implement a case strategy on why you got canned, because they would assume it was your fault. But in these free-wheeling downsizing days, this reasoning doesn't hold water. Chances are the interviewers themselves were once downsized and may perceive you as they do themselves. Maybe they share the same thought you do, that it is not you but your employer who is the failure. While there is no way to know that you will be so lucky as to interview with someone who can sympathize with your plight, it is imperative that you keep positive and causal and be prepared when discussing why you are looking for work.

The Interview: Presenting Yourself
By Brooke Heath

It's the day of your interview. You may be feeling a little anxiety, but try to use it to your advantage. Think of the interview as being less like an interrogation and more like a presentation. The interview is a great opportunity to present yourself to potential employers, convincing them that you are the best person for the job.

Role of Networking When Searching for a Job
By Hardeep Arora

Conservative estimates of the annual turnover of global software industry range in several hundred billion dollars. It constitutes a large portion of total international trade and creates millions of new jobs each year. However majority of these vacancies are filled well before a job requirement is posted. And how do programmers know about these openings - by networking! Networking works and it isn't as perplexing as some people make it out to be. In reality, most people are engaged in personal networking all the time. Once you get that lead, stage two of getting that coveted job in software sector is submitting well-crafted IT resumes or programmer resumes to the potential employer.

Should a Resume be a one-size-fits-all Document?
By Hardeep Arora

Resumes, like the people they represent, come with myriad situations and complexities. Each resume needs to take its own specific form. The resume format you present to a potential employer can make or mar your introduction. Typically your resume should highlight your credentials while downplaying your unrelated experience. An employer must be able to immediately discern your qualifications and the value you can add.

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Client Testimonials
"Thank you for helping me with my resume and cover letter. Over the past few weeks, I have submitted my documents to online databases and received quite a few responses to them. I am even going in for two interviews next week. I am so pleased. I hope I get an offer!"
C.B. , Detroit, MI
"Working as a paralegal for the past ten years while taking care of my kids, I have found it hard to get my foot in the door for more serious positions. I thought I might have been presenting myself poorly, so I paid for a resume edit. The new version was so different and more detailed than my original. If only I had thought of this stuff ten years ago! Thanks for helping me with this. After completing coursework for my degree this term, I think I may finally be able to land a new position."
R.W. , Manchester, NH
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