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The Preferred Resumes Difference

At Preferred Resumes, we are dedicated to providing professionals with individualized resume and cover letter solutions highlighting the unique skills that different firms and hiring organizations seek in job candidates. Our highly-skilled and highly-trained professional resume writers have helped countless professionals find jobs all over the country through their comprehensive understanding of the issues involved in crafting the perfect resume. By strengthening the language of your resume, organizing your accomplishments and finding the layout that will best display them, as well as by crafting a dynamic cover letter, Preferred Resumes can provide you with the marketing tools that it takes to get the edge you need in one of the most competitive job markets in recent history.

Specialized Services for Specialized Fields
Marketing professionals do not work on the same matters as accountants, CEOs, or any other jobseekers. Why would they want similar resumes?

At Preferred Resumes, we extensively train resume writers in the ways of the different industries so that they have a strong grasp on the experiences that different professionals need to highlight and those that need to be hidden. We even have on our panel experts directly involved with the hiring of professionals across industries to find out exactly what works. Whether you are a business management student seeking your first summer training experience or an experienced consultant in a market research firm, we can ensure that your resume and cover letter properly showcase your accomplishments in the way that is most likely to get hiring organizations to take notice.

Results That Are Right for You
Other professional resume writing services allow you to select the format of the resume prior to ever envisioning its contents, and will work hard to cram your experience into that design in order to satisfy you. At Preferred Resumes, we believe the content of your resume should dictate its format and its ultimate length. For this reason, we do not use templates - instead, your resume writer will format your resume to most effectively highlight your strengths and not draw attention to your weaknesses, which a pre-selected format is not always guaranteed to do.

Highly-skilled, Highly-trained Resume Writers
What's the secret to creating a great resume? Knowing what works. Our writers, all highly-credentialed, provide that knowledge.

At Preferred Resumes, we weed through hundreds of resumes every year to make sure we only hire the best resume writers. Then, we groom them into the best possible resume writers in the world. With a staff that has written a book on resumes- literally — you can be confident that you are working with the best experts in the field of resumes when you seek our advice.

Thousands of Satisfied Customers
Professionals all over the country, working everywhere from the largest corporations to the smallest firms, have benefited from the drastically improved resumes that Preferred Resumes writers have created, occasionally finding career doors open to them that they wouldn't have previously been able to consider. Here's what one of our customers had to say:

The way I had written my resume, it looked all over the place: I've been a probation officer, a music teacher, a tour manager, a rocker, and a sound engineer. Compared to that, my recent summer training at a firm that makes machine tools looked puny. You guys put it together so it was both coherent and emphasized just the right things-the proof is I've had 2 interviews already. - S. P.

Click here to read more customer feedback about our service.

Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed
Your resume writer will work with you at each step of the process to make sure that you are completely satisfied with the end product. Our website is equipped with a registered users section that will allow you to keep in constant communication through the ongoing process of creating your perfect resumes and cover letters.

Online Document Storage
Access your new resume and cover letter via our website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any computer! No longer will you have to rely on the copy of your resume on your desktop - you will now be able to retrieve it directly from our website forever.

Scannable and ASCII Resumes Provided at No Extra Cost
With hiring coordinators relying more and more on technology to fish out the best candidates from the sea of resumes they are often inundated with, having a resume that is equipped to showcase your talent to both human and machine decision-makers is a must. After producing your resume in a traditional format suitable for mailing, our writers will also format ASCII and scannable resumes for you so that you have a version that can be easily used in electronic submissions as well as a version that can easily be read by a computer program if a recruiter or hiring coordinator were to scan your resume into a database. Best of all, these versions will be prepared at no cost to you!

Client Testimonials
"Not only was your service outstanding but it was also exactly what I needed right now. After such a brutal job search, it was nice to start getting interview appointments again. I just hope everything works out for the best. Thanks again for your help."
W.E. , Peoria, IL
"Great job, everyone! Thanks to your help, I just received an offer that I was dying to interview for. Not only did I get the interview, but I got the job as well. This is all so wonderful! Thank you so much for helping me get this opportunity. This is one of the best things that has ever happened to me."
S.W. , Boise, ID
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Preferred Resumes is Tax Deductible
If you are searching for a job in your current line of work, you may claim a deduction of the expenses incurred by sending resumes to prospective employers. This deduction also includes any agency fees you pay as long as these expenses exceed 2% of your income count.
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