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Suffering Lies in Your Perception of the Fact and Not the Fact Itself

Suffering Lies in Your Perception of the Fact and Not the Fact Itself
By: Harrison Barnes 

Career Mission’s Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes as he related the cause of all suffering in life to misplaced perceptions. 

Any suffering that you are experiencing in the world lies in your perception of the person, place, or thing you are experiencing and not in the...

The Solution to Problems Lies within Each Problem

The Solution to Problems Lies within Each Problem
By: Harrison Barnes 

Career Mission CEO, Harrison Barnes, as he discussed about the need to find a solution to problems instead on dwelling on them.

All of us in the world face problems. There is hardly anyone who has not faced a problem in life. However, different people manage problems differently. Whi...

The Universe is Structured to Have Inequalities

The Universe is Structured to Have Inequalities
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape’s Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes as he discussed how accepting inequalities is the secret to happiness.

The universe is structured to have inequalities. However, instead of accepting these inequalities, most of us resist the inequalities and fight again...

How You Handle Chaos Will Determine Your Success Or Failure

How You Handle Chaos Will Determine Your Success Or Failure
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape’s Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes as he discussed how chaos can help you grow.

Harrison believes that you can only grow if you are willing to subject yourself to, and tolerate chaos and confusion. In fact, the ability to create and manage chaos is one o...

Upgrade Your Career and Life by Finding Work to Be Done

Upgrade Your Career and Life by Finding Work to Be Done
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape’s Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes as he discussed the importance of the ability to create work.

Harrison believes that the more you know how to create work, the better off you are going to be. If you know how to create work for yourself, you will never ...

The Best Way to Prepare for a Job Search and Interviews

The Best Way to Prepare for a Job Search and Interviews
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape’s Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes as he discussed ways to prepare for a job search and interviews.

In life we are always being observed, watched and judged. One thing about interviewing is that there will likely almost always be someone where you are in...

10 Powerful Lessons from a Turkish Rug Trader

10 Powerful Lessons from a Turkish Rug Trader
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape’s Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes as he shared with you his experiences with Turkish rug traders. Harrison believes that the selling techniques he learnt could translate into strategies to get potential employers interested in you and consider you for possible hire.

Get Security by Concentrating on the Needs of Your Employer

Get Security by Concentrating on the Needs of Your Employer
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape’s Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes as he discussed how stability and security is important in our jobs and our lives and how one can ensure that.

Most of us crave for stability and security in our lives and our careers.  How we define security is unique ...

Have Trust in Others and Be Ready to Seize Opportunity However it Presents Itself

Have Trust in Others and Be Ready to Seize Opportunity However it Presents Itself
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape’s Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes as he discussed how trusting people and being ready to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves are two of the greatest skills anyone can have. 

Harrison believes that deep down all people are good,...

Do Not Be Controlled By Your Need to Feel Significant

Do Not Be Controlled By Your Need to Feel Significant
By: Harrison Barnes 

Harrison believes that one of the most important things to any human being is to feel important. We all have the need to feel significant and this need is something that really controls and governs many of our lives. You need to choose how to control your mind.  When you are looking for a job, the...
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