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The Greatest Secret of Billionaires, 95 Year Old Attorneys, and the Retirement Myth

The Greatest Secret of Billionaires, 95 Year Old Attorneys, and the Retirement Myth
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the success mantra of billionaires and how you can adopt it to become successful.

Harrison points out the fact that despite old age, business tycoons continue working. They do so because work gives their lives meanin...

Be Interested in Others

Be Interested in Others
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the importance of being interested in your employer and the people you are interviewing with in your job search.

Harrison believes that every human being craves for attention. People want you to be interested in them...

Be Resourceful

Be Resourceful
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses how being resourceful can separate you from the ordinary people and help you achieve just about anything in your life and career.

Harrison believes that the economic meltdown is the best time to take advantage of you...

See Your Job and the World from the Bright Side and Not the Dark Side

See Your Job and the World from the Bright Side and Not the Dark Side
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the importance of staying away from people with negative energy.

Harrison believes that in every organization, there are various employees who resent people who work hard, complain about just everything around them, ...

Allow People Around You to Feel and Believe Whatever They Want

Allow People Around You to Feel and Believe Whatever They Want
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the importance of allowing people to believe in whatever they want and not questioning their beliefs.

Harrison highlights the fact that you will often find many people living u...

The Peter Principal and Being Ready for More Responsibility

The Peter Principal and Being Ready for More Responsibility
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the importance of having a good understanding of the challenges before you, while accepting more responsibilities at work.

Harrison explains the Peter Principle which was conceived by Dr. Lawrence J. Peter in the lat...

The Danger of Getting Jobs through Friends

The Danger of Getting Jobs through Friends
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the potential risks involved in using friends and acquaintances in your job search. Harrison explains that using acquaintances in your jobs search could pose problems both while searching for a job as well as after securing the job....

Organization Culture Matters Most

Organization Culture Matters Most
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the importance of organization culture and how it relates to ones career success and happiness.

Harrison believes that organization culture plays a great part in ones success and happiness in your career. In any busi...

The Importance of Fitting In

The Importance of Fitting In
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the importance of fitting in one’s work environment.
Harrison believes that the ability to fit in is one of the single largest contributors, in both getting and keeping a job. It is even more important than your skill leve...

King Henry II and Understanding Your Employer

King Henry II and Understanding Your Employer
By: Harrison Barnes 

EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the importance of listening to, and understanding the other side’s point of view.

Harrison discusses the happenings in any court system. What typically happens is that both the sides are heard at length before comi...
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"Working as a paralegal for the past ten years while taking care of my kids, I have found it hard to get my foot in the door for more serious positions. I thought I might have been presenting myself poorly, so I paid for a resume edit. The new version was so different and more detailed than my original. If only I had thought of this stuff ten years ago! Thanks for helping me with this. After completing coursework for my degree this term, I think I may finally be able to land a new position."
R.W. , Manchester, NH
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V.V. , Lafayette, LA
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