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Ferraris Crashing Into Poles and the Importance of Focus in Your Life and Career
By: Harrison Barnes

EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes talks about the need to focus on where you want to go and not what you fear.

Harrison believes that people have a tendency to focus their attention on what they would actually want to avoid, instead of what they want to achieve. As in a pre-accident situation, the driver almost invariably focuses on the pole in front of him which he should avoid rather than on the safe places he would want to reach.

What you focus on ultimately decides where you are going to go and what will happen to you. So the best way to move ahead in your career as well as in your life is to focus on where you want to reach rather than the pitfalls in the way or the possible areas of failure. Harrison believes that when you are focusing on what you need to achieve your goals, you are going to be far better off than when you are focusing on what you do not want to achieve.

Harrison feels that there are essentially two types of people. The first tend to look at every situation in a positive way. They look at people and assume they have a positive intention. When you are around people like this, your experience of the world tends to be pretty good as well. The second sort of people tends to focus on the negative. They focus on how things are impossible or difficult. They focus on how people are mean and out to get them. They are suspicious about the world. When you see the world like this, your experience of the world tends to be pretty bleak.

Focus cannot change overnight. You need to be at it, taking small steps and adding on to it. However once you change your focus, you are going to change the direction your life is headed. Focus is what will empower you and give your career strength and direction

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