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Be Interested in Others
By: Harrison Barnes

EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the importance of being interested in your employer and the people you are interviewing with in your job search.

Harrison believes that every human being craves for attention. People want you to be interested in them. Citing examples of his personal experiences with two movie stars, Harrison concludes that every celebrity, best-selling author, and other renowned figures love to feel significant. If you come across people of such stature, tell them how they have influenced you and how much you admire their work. This way they’ll remember you and feel indebted to you.

Similarly, during your job search, demonstrate genuine interest in your employer. Harrison describes various ways in which you can show interest, such as asking questions that empower the employer and make the employer feel and sound good. Harrison believes that by showing the employer that you like their work environment and feel you would fit in due to the uniqueness of the employer, you would boost your chances of getting hired.

Harrison concludes that if getting a job is important to you, you need to be incredibly interested in both the employer and the people you are interviewing with. The more interest you show, the more likely you are to get the job.

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W.E. , Peoria, IL
"For months, I was struggling to find a new position. My firm was downsizing, and I had to act fast. I signed up for a new cover letter explaining the situation and was greeted with a very thorough and professional letter filled with tact. Now, thanks to your help, I have a new position for the long term. I really appreciate all the help I received during this difficult time. Thanks a lot."
H.G. , Baton Rouge, LA
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