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We Create Problems So That We Can Grow and Be Happy
By: Harrison Barnes

Career Mission's Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes discussed how your problems can propel you forward in life and in your career.

Most of us are never satisfied with what we have and are continually seeking more and more of what we do not have. Once we are satisfied with one thing we decide that we now want something more. Most of us move through life like this, constantly on the search.

The first way we learn to get our needs met is by experiencing pain. If you cried as a baby your needs were met. Pain is something that drives us forward throughout our entire lives. We are programmed at a deep genetic level to continue experiencing pain, and to never be completely happy and content: When most of us get something we become temporarily satiated for a moment, or a while. Then, once we are through with experiencing the feeling of being satiated, we start searching for what will give us that feeling all over again.

Harrison points out that your   problems are your gifts and, in a large sense they are like a healthy drug. You would not be happy in your life without problems. We all seek out problems and enjoy them, even when they are challenging. Embrace your problems. Problems create energy and energy creates change.

No matter what you do, you are never going to be fully and completely satisfied. However, your inability to be satisfied will drive you forward in your career and life. In order to achieve and get where you want to go, you need to stay hungry. You probably have felt the best in your life when you were working through some challenge, with a solid goal in mind. This is how it happens for everyone. Problems are the fuel of our life.

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