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The Importance of Challenging Convention
By: Harrison Barnes

Career Mission's Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes discussed how people who challenge convention are the ones that really make an impression.

According to Harrison one of the biggest obstacles to our success, is that we think a lot of people are paying attention to us, watching us and are concerned about us when in reality they are not. Most people are completely focused on themselves and are not interested at all in what others around them are doing. In fact, even if you are sitting in the middle of a hotel in pajamas many people will not care.

There is a lot of meaning to the fact that most people are so concerned about themselves they do not notice you. What this means is that rather than worry about what others think of you, you should be more concerned with your own thoughts and moving forward with whatever you are doing.

Throughout the world people are afraid to do certain things, or afraid of what other people think. We are always expected to act in a certain way and behave in a certain way. We have reputations to defend and ways of looking to others that are considered incredibly important. We want to look like a certain kind of person and be “serious”.

However, when it comes right down to it, we are not sure how much all of this matters. People try and maintain appearances and look a certain way because they are trying to protect things and keep them a certain way. Trying to keep things a certain way is something that is incredibly dangerous in many respects. It is generally the people who challenge convention, who really make an impression. 

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