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Your Career is More Important to You Than Anyone
By: Harrison Barnes

Employment Research Institute's CEO A. Harrison Barnes in a webinar discussed how your career is more important to you than anyone else.

Harrison believes that it is important for every individual to realize that nobody else is going to be as concerned for your career as you yourself. Because of this reason, it becomes much more important to protect your ability to earn your living. It is not possible for anybody else to be as concerned or as passionate about it as you yourself. More importantly, Harrison feels, the sooner you understand this, the better it is for you and your future prospects. This extends to both, your professional and your personal life. Until you decide to take control of your own career yourself, nobody else will be taking it up for you. Drawing from personal experiences, Harrison illustrates how a friend offered to become a partner in his asphalt business and then failed him when it came to putting in hard work, part of which involved working in the hot sun and getting hot tar on the skin which often proved extremely difficult to remove. In the process, the business, which was very important for Harrison, floundered.

Extending this learning to all careers and businesses, Harrison explains how it is almost impossible for anybody else to feel the same way. The primary reason of course, is that no one else will work as hard as you yourself will. Their commitment levels as well as the need to find solutions will differ widely from your own. In short, if you depend on anybody else to do your work, you will be disappointed.

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H.D. , Kansas City, MO
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